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Killer Elite, Movie, 2011 IMDB

Pictures provided by: badlymad, Bugmenot2, 93montero, vilero, dsl, Robi

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Also known as:

  • Asesinos de élite (Spain)
  • Elita zabójców (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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badlymad CA

2011-09-19 06:10

Pictures from the HD trailer and behind the scenes b-roll footage.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-09-19 11:06

We don't allow behind the scenes shots as main pictures, do we?

Filmed in the UK, Australia and Jordan:

P.S. Credits on the IMDB indicate that filming also took place in Morocco. I wonder if the opening scene was filmed there, because you can just about see some grafitti in Arabic (at 0:04):
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2011-11-10 13:04:30

badlymad CA

2011-09-19 16:39

We have an option to list it as "behind the scenes/seen only on a DVD extra"- I haven't chosen that option because the footage makes it clear both vehicles have at least a two star role in the film.

antp BE

2011-09-19 17:07

I suppose that these will be replaced by picture from the actual movie later, anyway

vilero wrote [Image: th_KillerElite5BIS.jpg] [Image: killerelite5.jpg] [Image: killerelite1.jpg]
[Image: killerelite2.jpg] [Image: killerelite3.jpg] [Image: killerelite4.jpg]

Upgraded the contribution with HD captures and added some few more vehicles.

-- Last edit: 2012-05-04 11:41:17 (vilero)

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-09-20 12:08

Some more behind the scenes videos with seventies and eighties cars, mostly on fake British locations in Australia. :) Watch the seventh and eighth videos down.

You can also see a station on the City Loop in Melbourne dressed as a Paris metro station. :)

P.S. A clip from a car chase with the Cortina, a Jaguar and all the seventies tat they could find:
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2011-09-20 12:44:55

dsl SX

2011-09-20 13:23 has some blink-and-miss car park shots with 50s Hillman Minx and a Hillman Hunter, probably Aus. Edit: now added - /vehicle_448828-Hillman-Minx-Phase-VIIIa-1957.html .

-- Last edit: 2011-11-11 19:23:22

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-09-23 02:05

You can watch the opening scene (with the BMW 5-series and the two black Benzes) at IGN:
Link to ""

It's supposed to be in Mexico (the W126 has a current Yucatan plate) and a Volkswagen Typ 3 drives past near the beginning.

-- Last edit: 2011-09-23 02:06:19

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-10-02 11:35

Visual Hollywood has stills from the behind the scenes footage, with some more cars. There's a Citroen SM in a Melbourne street pretending to be in France. :)

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-10-11 23:33

Some 1970s Datsuns were hired for the film from an Australian enthusiast:
Link to ""

marioman3138 AU

2011-10-22 01:57

Part of it was filmed at a girl I go to school with house.


2011-11-10 12:34

I will slowly be adding pictures today and times that will help for upgrading to HD later. Three different series of Land Cruiser, 40, 50 and 60! and I noticed the Hillmans for dsl :)

-- Last edit: 2012-02-08 07:04:30

dsl SX

2011-11-11 20:26

93montero wrote I noticed the Hillmans for dsl :)


antp BE

2012-01-16 14:40

I may replace pictures by HD version soon (except if someone else does it first)

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-02-01 10:59

Looks as if no-one else wants to do it...

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-02-29 11:50

The lads at have discovered us and are enjoying the "shite" in Killer Elite. :D


2012-05-04 21:13

Is there any car chase in this movie ?

karoomay SY

2012-05-04 22:59

Interesting that part of this move takes place in Oman (I know it was really filmed in Jordan), because that's where I was born although I barely remember Oman, because my family left Oman and moved to Syria when I was only 3 years old. Although, later in 2004, I had the chance to visit Oman. Unlike what was portrayed in the movie, Oman is quite peaceful and one of the more modern Arab countries in the Middle East.


2012-05-05 08:50

Sweet!!! :)

DamageW UK

2013-03-28 05:03

The back of what looks like a Porsche 911 SC (or similar 80s 911) can be briefly seen in a multi-storey car park at 1:30:13. I've included a GIF to see it but I figured one of you guys would be better than me at uploading an official image if it's needed, and for identifying the exact model.

Still can't get over how many classic cars are in this movie, given that about three quarters of it seems to take place on the road. I particularly like Clive Owen's character pranging a VW Golf in his Jag during a chase sequence, he visibly dents the driver's side wing, not many collectors are willing to let their cars get so knocked about, even if it was just a minor dent!

Edit by dsl: page opened for 911 at /vehicle_797085-Porsche-911-SC-1978.html and GIF copied over

-- Last edit: 2015-03-17 16:35:16 (dsl)

dsl SX

2013-03-28 11:20

Interesting photo - assume it's Aus location for the Hunter. Agree early 80s 911 SC or Carrera, but can't really be more specific. Even better an Imp in the background left, and - Rarity of the Month Alert - what looks like an Imp-based Husky Estate on right. Were these made in Aus??

DamageW UK

2013-03-28 14:10

Half the cast are Aussies and even Statham's character is touted to be from Oz, so there's definitely an antipodean vibe to the film, that's for sure. Good eye for spotting the background cars!

dsl SX

2013-03-28 22:54

I have good Imp antennae .....

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-03-17 02:02

At 2:20 in this behind the scenes video, there's a Japanese-looking car used as a taxi in bluescreen filming for a scene that doesn't appear in the finished film.
Link to ""

In case the link gets broken, the video is from

dsl SX

2015-03-17 17:12

Added a few stragglers, additional photos etc. Amazing how much there is in the film - almost every car scene has something else interesting squashed in somewhere, even if blink-and-miss-it or blurred or obscured. There's lots of other things but not worth or impossible to capture - eg dark blue Zodiac Mk3, various BMC ADO17, a pale blue Vauxhall FE-ish Holden with cream vinyl roof, red Cortina Mk1 GT, Imps etc etc - all of which must have been deliberately assembled and placed in the sequences.

A big [Image: smiley-bounce017.gif] to the team who sourced all the cars and stuff.

night cub US

2018-01-31 22:12

For a movie named Killer Elite, I was expecting one of these:

[Image: Vehicle 21026]

or these:

[Image: Vehicle 462534] [Image: Vehicle 883688]

Baube QC

2018-01-31 22:22

could be a Christine-inspired movie if mixing the 1st word of the title and that big Ford... :)

night cub US

2018-01-31 22:45

Some cross between that and this one:

rjluna2 US

2018-02-01 14:55

night cub wrote For a movie named Killer Elite, I was expecting one of these:

[Image: Vehicle 21026]


Robi DE

2021-02-16 10:36

For some reason, Audi is mentioned in the credits, although not a single Audi appears in this movie.

Don1 IE

2023-09-09 12:04

Damn I knew the Jetta was a movie mistake. Anyway this is a car fans dream of a movie, watched it again last night.

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