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Le clan des Siciliens, Movie, 1969 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl, ben68, humungus

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Also known as:

  • The Sicilian Clan
  • Os Sicilianos (Brazil)
  • Der Clan der Sizilianer (Germany)
  • Klanen fra Sicilien (Denmark)
  • El clan de los sicilianos (Spain)
  • Sisilialaisklaani (Finland)
  • I symmoria ton Sikelon (Greece)
  • A szicíliaiak klánja (Hungary)
  • Il clan dei siciliani (Italy)
  • Klan Sycylijczyków (Poland)
  • O Clã dos Sicilianos (Portugal)
  • Sicilianska klanen (Sweden)
  • Sicilyalilar çetesi (Turkey)

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Comments about this movie

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2005-10-18 16:20

Jean Gabin drives a Brown(?) Mercedes-Benz W109 near the end of the movie. Alain Delon drives a white Peugeot 403 also near the end of the movie. Is just a few minutes, before Delon's death scene when Gabin kills Delon.

sixcyl FR

2005-10-18 20:46

Yes Kowalski, the end shows how the rules of the clan "Malanese" are...Gabin kills Sartet (Delon) and his daughter in law (because she had a flirt with Delon)...and go back home in his grey (daulphin grey) Mercedes 250S or 280S...few minutes before, Delon arrived at the appointment in a white 404 (and not a 403)...i'm going to join some more pictures.


2005-10-19 00:43

You see...I told I was right...I was just confused about the Peugeot. Sorry...

sixcyl FR

2005-10-19 00:51

no pb!...don't have to be confused, dear Kowalski...

Raul1983 FI

2007-05-24 19:46

Good movie :)

ben68 BE

2007-05-24 19:51

I added some (background) cars or bikes... Even a Ferrari 275 GTB(/4) very very very less visible! :D I guess Sixcyl will appreciate ;)
[Image: bitmap1yd8.1337.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-01-10 11:47:44 (antp)

sixcyl FR

2007-05-25 07:37

Merci Ben68, ce "revisionnage" du film permet de remettre de l'ordre dans la maison :D

sixcyl FR

2010-12-14 09:20

Aircraft in this film at:

humungus SI

2023-06-01 02:20

Another movie overripe for a HD upgrade. Consider it done.

Meanwhile, some backgroundmobiles not listed (in order: blurry wagon, car #56, partial black sedan on the left, the brown coupé, the taxi, the pick-up):
[Image: bg01_000601.jpg] [Image: bg02_000601.jpg] [Image: bg10_003022.jpg]
[Image: bg12_013817.jpg] [Image: bg16_015234.jpg] [Image: bg17_015612.jpg]

Also, there's no such thing as too many of these:
[Image: bg04_000912.jpg] [Image: bg09_001337.jpg]

Speaking of which, another one happens to be Lino Ventura's character's preferred mode of transportation, but I obviously have no idea if it's in any way different from the one already listed:
[Image: notlisted1_002307.jpg] [Image: notlisted1_002313.jpg] [Image: notlisted1_003027.jpg] [Image: notlisted1_005407.jpg]

Lastly, a traffic light:
[Image: trafficlight.jpg]

antp BE

2023-06-11 13:01

humungus wrote Another movie overripe for a HD upgrade. Consider it done.

Pictures replaced, thanks

humungus SI

2023-10-05 22:45

Added some additional vehicles I believe were not listed.

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