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Les aventures de Tintin, Animation Series, 1991-1992 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Bebert, Lateef, Leoz, JB, opal

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Also known as:

  • The Adventures of Tintin

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Comments about this movie

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garco NL

2006-10-03 11:42

antp wrote pour l'identification des autos : http://mapage.noos.fr/dardelf3/tintin/

1. Tintin au pays des Soviets (1930)
2. Tintin au Congo (1931)
3. Tintin en Amérique (1932)
4. Les Cigares du pharaon (1934)
5. Le Lotus bleu (1936)
6. L'Oreille cassée (1937)
7. L'Île noire (1938)
8. Le Sceptre d'Ottokar (1939)
9. Le Crabe aux pinces d'or (1941)
10. L'Étoile mystérieuse (1942)
11. Le Secret de la Licorne (1943)
12. Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge (1944)
13. Les 7 Boules de cristal (1948)
14. Le Temple du Soleil (1949)
15. Tintin au pays de l'or noir (1950)
16. Objectif Lune (1953)
17. On a marché sur la Lune (1954)
18. L'Affaire Tournesol (1956)
19. Coke en stock (1958)
20. Tintin au Tibet (1960)
21. Les Bijoux de la Castafiore (1963)
22. Vol 714 pour Sydney (1968)
23. Tintin et les Picaros (1976)
24. Tintin et l'Alph-Art (inachevé en 1983, 1986, 2004)

-- Last edit: 2006-10-06 11:13:30 (antp)


2006-10-03 20:21

I loved Tintin when I was young (it's still just as good now) and I remember watching this on Saturday mornings, back in the days when I'd naturally wake up at 7am, some mornings I'd even wake up before 7am and the only thing on was Trans-World Sport, which I never found very interesting, and I'd have to wait for a while before my cartoons came on; Doug (the original not the rubbish later ones), Sharkey and George, that MC Hammer cartoon, oh those were the days. Tintin was voiced by a Canadian actor, not French-Canadian, the English speaking type who say "aboot", I liked these but I always preferred the books because the TV series left out a lot of the humour and other stuff they couldn't fit into the running time also you couldn't see what Snowy was thinking (I believe he was called Milou in the original French language versions of the stories), so this was a somewhat diluted version of Tintin but still Tintin all the same. Long live Tintin.

-- Last edit: 2006-10-03 20:22:11

Bebert FR

2006-10-03 20:36

Ces deux premiers épisodes concernent "L'île noire" et "Le sceptre d'Ottokar".

carobserver MX

2006-10-03 20:57

many of the cars appears in this series are so generic

sixcyl FR

2006-10-03 21:26

G-MANN wrote ... Long live Tintin.

I've been a fan of Tintin (and I'm still...I've read all of them "thousands of time" :D )...but I've never been interested by these cartoons missing charm and so badly moved and drawn :(

antp BE

2006-10-03 22:19

I saw these cartoons some time ago, but I never really like these, though like you I readed the books a lot.

Bebert FR

2006-10-06 10:56

Bon, y a pas moyen de les classer par épisode? Parce que si on en ajoute, ça va être dur de les retrouver après.
Comme il n'y a pas de numéro dans la série, soit on peut les classer dans l'ordre de parution des albums, soit on indique les initiales de l'épisode à la place des chiffres dans la fiche... Qu'en penses-tu Antoine?

antp BE

2006-10-06 10:57

Je ferais comme pour les séries sans n° : on fait ici dans les commentaires une liste des numéros et leur équivalence. Je vais mettre ça dans le 1er commentaire (celui de Garco).

Aziz FR

2006-10-06 16:23

deleted comment

antp BE

2006-10-06 18:55

Sur Wikipedia ils disent que ça a été créé en 1991 et diffusé en France à partir de 1992 : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Aventures_de_Tintin
Mais peut-être qu'avant ça c'est passé sur une autre chaîne (Canada ?)

Bebert FR

2007-08-16 22:43

Deux innidentifiables de l'épisode 8: [Image: 482ji9.6628.jpg]
[Image: 484ns5.5489.jpg] [Image: snapshot200609211412411bh3.1185.jpg]

Trainboy12 UK

2009-10-25 20:16

Ive got all the episodes on DVD

Trainboy12 UK

2009-12-30 12:27

Should be listed as an animation series.

Lateef NO

2010-01-12 09:46

Trainboy, you could do the rest of the episodes if you like. I have just started to do this serie, as I have all the DVDs too, except ep 15 & 16. If you like, you could do the rest, that will save me some time.

racersg US

2012-06-19 03:14

Trainboy12 wrote Ive got all the episodes on DVD
I just watch 'em on Netflix.

racersg US

2012-06-19 03:23

Lateef wrote Trainboy, you could do the rest of the episodes if you like. I have just started to do this serie, as I have all the DVDs too, except ep 15 & 16. If you like, you could do the rest, that will save me some time.
I think we have all the episodes now.

jcb UK

2014-03-13 12:54

I don't usually like cartoon Imcd's but this is good, all the vehicles are depicted fairly accurately and there are some unusual ones here .

truckface NO

2015-10-04 20:26

^And aircrafts. One story features the pre -production model of the Bell 47 A. "Destination Moon", features the even rarer Hiller UH-4 "Commuter". :)

-- Last edit: 2015-10-10 18:07:45

opal TH

2015-11-16 12:13

Series complete + replace with HD pictures.

Made for movie vehicles:
[Image: i864175.jpg] [Image: cov2113.jpg] [Image: i864169.jpg] [Image: i864184.jpg] [Image: i864165.jpg] [Image: bsedan2113.jpg] [Image: i864185.jpg] [Image: tank2113.jpg] [Image: i864196.jpg]

[Image: plane.22.jpg] [Image: plane2.16.jpg] [Image: plane3.14.jpg] [Image: plane4.9.jpg] [Image: plane5.8.jpg] [Image: plane6.7.jpg] [Image: plane7.7.jpg] [Image: plane8.6.jpg] [Image: plane9.6.jpg] [Image: plane10.5.jpg] [Image: plane11.6.jpg] [Image: plane12.5.jpg] [Image: plane13.4.jpg] [Image: plane15.4.jpg] [Image: plane16.4.jpg] [Image: plane17.3.jpg] [Image: plane18.2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-11-16 20:02:19 (Lateef)


2015-11-16 14:14

To facilitate the identifications of vehicles:

Gamer DE

2015-11-16 16:02

I recognize a DeHavilland DH-82 Tiger Moth and Puss Moth, a Percival, DC-3, Arado AR-196, Savoia Marchetti, Heinkel He-144 or possibly a Messerschmitt and another Savoia Marchetti.

-- Last edit: 2015-11-18 15:49:15

sixcyl FR

2015-11-16 20:33

Very bad drawings compared to Hergé works :/

-- Last edit: 2015-11-16 20:33:59

karoomay SY

2015-11-17 23:22

Hergé was a master in drawing vehicles as well as planes very accurately.

shlc647 US

2016-02-24 22:22

My Grandfather has the entire DVD set. I agree Hergé was one of the best illustrators of cars and planes.

sixcyl FR

2017-10-25 21:38

Aircraft at http://www.impdb.org/index.php?title=Les_aventures_de_Tintin

Gamer DE

2017-10-25 21:41

The "Avro 631 Cadet" is actually a DeHavilland DH-82 "Tiger Moth"

-- Last edit: 2017-10-25 21:56:58

Gamer DE

2019-03-31 20:17

Something interesting and slightly off-topic that I never knew before: it appears Hergé drew a new cover for the Soviet adventure (which was not adapted) years later:

The original and most well-known edition.

Baube QC

2019-03-31 20:43

like that new version :)

antp BE

2019-04-02 16:19

Other generic vehicles,

ep 1.01:
[Image: i864178.jpg]

ep 1.07:
[Image: i864172.jpg] [Image: acov217.jpg]

ep 1.08:
[Image: i864179.jpg] [Image: sedan218.jpg] [Image: sedan318.jpg]

ep 2.01:
[Image: i864181.jpg] [Image: sedan221.1.jpg]

ep 3.13:
[Image: i864194.jpg]
[Image: i445879.1.jpg] [Image: sedan2313.jpg] [Image: sedan3313.jpg]
[Image: i864167.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-04-05 09:09:11

savmagoett BE

2019-04-16 14:39

Hi guys, I have a question about this vehicle:
[Image: i864184.jpg]
Even though it was made of for the imaginary country of Borduria with the adding of the mustaches, I'm quite sure it is inspired by an actual car (or more than one). The version of the tv show does not really interest me, but the one from the album does. See below:
[Image: image1b.jpg]
[Image: image2b.jpg]
The way the rear window joint the side window is familiar to me, I'm sure there is a car like that. The shape of the hood and the way the windshield is one with the side windows are also specific traits that could come from a real car. So if anyone could think of a car(s) that resemble this one, I would be glad to know it. Any help appreciated :)

-- Last edit: 2019-04-16 14:41:51

Keats AU

2019-04-17 00:41

[quote=savmagoett]Hi guys, I have a question about this vehicle:
[Image: i864184.jpg]

Early 50s Plymouth sedans (1954 or so) had a similar rear window.

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2019-06-11 05:26

Gamer wrote Something interesting and slightly off-topic that I never knew before: it appears Hergé drew a new cover for the Soviet adventure (which was not adapted) years later:

If I recall correctly, that's not Hergé's work. Another artist had done this for a "pirate" colored version of the Soviet adventure. They traced Tintin and Snowy from the cover for "Tintin and the Picaros".

-- Last edit: 2020-01-29 03:57:34

Gamer DE

2019-09-04 13:24

The green car from 1.08 could be readded. In the comic, we only see it from the rear, which explains the generic looking front; the artists made it up.

However, the true front of the car is visible on the October 1934 issue of Le Petit Vingtieme: Link to "assets.catawiki.nl"

-- Last edit: 2019-09-04 13:24:16

Gamer DE

2021-03-31 11:01

Interesting continuity which only someone like me would notice - in Tintin in the Congo, there were two Model Ts used!

On the cover and when Tintin first sets off it's a 1923 model (slanted windscreen and old valance)
Link to "cdn.dealeraccelerate.com"

Yet when he sets off the next morning it becomes a 1926-27 'New Beauty' (larger, rounded windscreen, headlights moved further back)
Link to "upload.wikimedia.org"

mike962 DE

2022-05-21 19:48

3.12 the moon vehicle , anyone wondered how they fit it on the small rocket ? :o :o
[Image: untitled.6150.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2022-05-21 19:49:39

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