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Mordkommission Istanbul, TV Series, 2008-2024 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Robi, peto1995

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Robi DE

2014-11-21 13:18

Ep. 1.11 completed :)

Gamer DE

2019-11-25 22:15

The series ends next year. Due to the hostile situation in Turkey the final season will be filmed in South Africa. Since 2017 it was filmed in Izmir (on the Turkish west coast) and later Thailand.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2019-11-25 23:30

Will they use South Africa to double for Turkey?

Gamer DE

2019-11-25 23:40

Apparently so.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2019-11-25 23:55

Bulgaria would be a better choice. :)

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