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Worth the Risk?, Short Movie, 1948 IMDB

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dsl SX

2017-05-23 13:40

[Image: title.362.jpg] [Image: titleb.15.jpg]
9 minute road safety film covering every kind of bad habit they can think for drivers and pedestrians with some gruesome endings. Seems they were dangerous times, and/or people were very stupid in those days. According to wiki, The Monthly Film Bulletin (the journal of the British Film Institute) rated the film as "one of the best Safety First films for adults" in March 1949.

Taken from
[Image: dvdcovercompem.jpg]
COI Collection Volume Six: Worth the Risk?
Can't find a copy online - a pity because there's lots of London street footage with brief glimpses of loads of stuff. Description here, synopsis here.

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