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Requiem for Detroit?, Documentary, 2010 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2015-09-28 00:23

[Image: title.172.jpg] [Image: title1.21.jpg] [Image: title2.91.jpg]

Has this film ever surfaced in US?? It was made by BBC in UK in 2010, directed by Julien Temple who amongst other things did this excellent London film. Broadcast on UK TV, might have had a DVD release, but then seems to have disappeared.

My copy taken from original BBC TV broadcast so not HD, and it may throw timings out slightly if a DVD version can be found as they include BBC intro cards. Also TV-quality means a lot of archive stuff (particularly 50s-70s colour footage from news and factory promo films) which was not very good quality anyway is too crap here to take useful captures, which is a pity as they contain a lot of interesting stuff which would be worth revisiting from a better copy.

Overall it is an amazing film - a history of Detroit's car industry, its people, the economic/social/political effects through from its start until now, and a portrait of where it's all arrived and what Detroit is today. Very highly recommended.

Various bits:


[Image: slogan.1.jpg] [Image: sign.5.jpg]

1967 riots
[Image: riots1967.jpg] [Image: riots1967b.jpg]
- because of the footage, I've now learned what this favourite song from when I was a kid was all about

Henry Ford stuff
[Image: henryford07-34.jpg] [Image: henryford07-34b.jpg]

The first Model T factory
[Image: factoryfordpiquettehf1stmodelt.jpg]

The Michigan Theatre
[Image: michigantheatreford-fund.jpg]
- apparently built in 1926 on the site of Ford's workshop with a huge endowment from Henry, and one of the most splendid buildings in Detroit. But went bust, so they punched holes in the walls and use it as a car park

Then and now comparison
[Image: then-now1.jpg] [Image: then-now2.jpg]

Derelict school machinery - they used to train the kids to operate assembly lines equipment so that when they left school they'd go straight onto assembly line jobs
[Image: ruinschoolcarfactorytrainingmachines.jpg] [Image: ruinschoolcarfactorytrainingb.jpg]

[Image: ruinschoolcarfactorytrainingc.jpg] [Image: ruinschoolcarfactorytrainingd.jpg]

Dead piano in the Lee Plaza ruined hotel (below) which apparently was once played by Duke Ellington and other famous folk
[Image: ruin4b.jpg]

Plane for impdb
[Image: plane.16.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-01-17 19:55:11

dsl SX

2015-09-28 00:42

Ruined houses
[Image: house.jpg] [Image: ruin10.jpg]

[Image: ruin11.jpg] [Image: ruin3.jpg]

[Image: ruin5.jpg] [Image: ruin6.jpg]

[Image: ruin2.jpg]

Lee Plaza hotel
[Image: ruin4.jpg] [Image: ruin4a.jpg]

Ruined school
[Image: ruin7.jpg] [Image: ruin9school.jpg]

[Image: ruin9schoolb.jpg]

Ruined office
[Image: ruin0c.jpg]

..... and this incredible building seen several times - Michigan Central Station
[Image: ruin.2.jpg] [Image: ruin0a.jpg]

[Image: ruin0b.jpg] [Image: ruin0d.jpg]

[Image: ruin0e.jpg]

One of the final images in the film
[Image: ruin12.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-09-28 03:47:55

Terra US

2015-09-28 00:46

I hope to film my own documentary there one day. It's sad to see this beautiful architecture wither away :(

dsl SX

2015-09-28 01:57

Ruins Part 2

The Tiger stadium
[Image: ruin8.jpg]
- plus shots on this entry - /vehicle.php?id=847553

The Hudson's Building demolition in 1998
[Image: factoryhudsons1983.jpg] [Image: factoryhudsonsb.jpg]

[Image: factoryhudsonsc.jpg] [Image: factoryhudsonsd.jpg]

[Image: factoryhudsonse.jpg]

- which created more damage and debris spread than it was meant to. Film is confused/confusing about this building - suggested it was a car factory (maybe because of the name??) and that demolition was 1983.

dsl SX

2015-09-28 02:10

Dead factories:

1] GM Fisher Body plant 21, closed in 1984
[Image: factoryfishergm.jpg] [Image: factoryfishergmb.jpg]

[Image: factorypackard6.jpg]

- with Cadillac assembly track remnants still in place
[Image: factoryfishergmcadillac.jpg]

Major problems with contamination prevent either safe demolition or reconstruction

2] The Packard factory, opened 1903, stopped car production in 1957, partial demolition and reconstruction as new industrial facility started since the film from October 2014
[Image: factory.4.jpg] [Image: factory00.jpg]

[Image: factory0.jpg] [Image: factoryb.4.jpg]

[Image: factorypackard.jpg] [Image: factorypackard2.jpg]

[Image: factorypackard3.jpg] [Image: factorypackard4.jpg]

[Image: factorypackard5.jpg] [Image: factorypackard7.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-09-29 02:07:36

rjluna2 US

2015-09-28 02:23

Impressive documentary, dsl.

Yo, Wikipedia, you should learn from this :D

jettalover US

2015-09-28 04:50

R.I.P. Tiger Stadium. Opened 1912, the same year as Fenway Park in Boston, the current oldest Major League Baseball stadium.

electra225 IT

2015-09-28 19:35

Is it possible to buy this documentary of you have to watch it on Youtube ?

dsl SX

2015-09-28 19:50

It looks as if it did get a DVD release - - but impossible to find now. There are some watch-online streams - eg this one seems to work - . No longer available on BBC iPlayer page - .

CougarTim US

2015-09-28 21:05

dsl wrote
[Image: ruin5.jpg]

The Ransom Gillis House; unconfirmed rumors suggest it will play the role of Wayne Manor in the upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (presumably with a CGI touch-up). Appropriately enough, it is on Alfred Street.

Corkeyandpals US

2017-09-22 04:16

Aircraft at:

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