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Barbara i Jan, TV Series, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2008-10-17 20:38

[Image: 421xs7.7519.jpg]

Brand new toy car for sale (ep. 2) ;) :
[Image: snapshot20080907211851ae9.893.jpg]

EMU of the EW55 type most probably (ep. 4), a piece of el. engine EU60 (ep. 1) and other locomotive (from ep. 5):
[Image: enqm7.2303.jpg] [Image: en2ft3.6996.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080908015039pw2.3623.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080909143051hj4.3980.jpg]

Some ships seen in ep. 6 and 7:
[Image: snapshot20080908091910rx3.9843.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080908091919hf7.907.jpg] [Image: willl5yd3.2240.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-10-17 20:59:22

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