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They Shall Not Grow Old, Documentary, 2018 IMDB

Pictures provided by: chicomarx

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chicomarx BE

2018-11-24 19:18

Any objections to this documentary? It did have a cinematic release.

mike962 DE

2018-11-24 19:57

chicomarx wrote Any objections to this documentary? It did have a cinematic release.

haven't we enough of this shit already ?

hee some examples



-- Last edit: 2018-11-24 19:59:17

johnfromstaffs EN

2018-11-24 21:52

^ There are a great many entries in this database that do not interest me in the least, but I refrain from pejorative comments since they may interest other people. Do you use such phrases in normal conversation?

chicomarx BE

2018-11-25 01:12

He'd probably use Scheiße. It can be deleted if there are objections, mike962 aside, but this is a cut above the usual straight-to-DVD documentary.
It will be released in the US next month.

dsl SX

2018-11-25 02:01

If there is a credible chance that someone out there might see the film and be curious about its vehicle content, we should be providing the answers - it's what we're here for. So I would accept this film.

But on the same argument I would also accept Robi's documentary about Munich from a week or two back - the principle is the same.

chicomarx BE

2018-11-25 02:21

I knew this would happen... Documentaries we review case by case, we can not accept everything put on film. The Munich footage doesn't meet the rules.
"Die Produktionsfirma "Filmwerte" aus Babelsberg durfte im Münchner Stadtarchiv stöbern und hat für die Reihe "Historische Filmschätze" München mit zum Teil bisher unveröffentlichtem Videomaterial wiederentdeckt."
So they delved in the local archive and produced a DVD about the city.

This doesn't meet the rule "car related" either, but it is widely seen.

chicomarx BE

2018-11-25 02:33

If night cub is here he can say yes or no on this.

dsl SX

2018-11-25 02:55

You've got a Clayton & Shuttleworth, so deleting this entry would be illegal under EU legislation as ratified by Maggie under the Basingstoke Convention.

As for the Munich question, it's the sort of decision-making which illustrates why I've deliberately avoided any opening to become a validating admin.

mike962 DE

2018-11-25 10:53

why not just settle it once for and for all ???

docus no longer allowed unless they subject are the vehicle themselves !!!

for example this focuses directly about the vehicles , they are not just some random footage where they appear


what exactly would wrong with this aproach ??

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johnfromstaffs EN

2018-11-25 14:39

So we are restricted to modern output where the subjects of our interest are drawn from a restricted set of “available for hire” vehicles?

If I may speak for myself, it would be as lacking in interest as ploughing through boxed sets of “Minder” or “Matlock” or sloppily drawn cartoons, of which we see far too many.

-- Last edit: 2018-11-25 16:05:05

mike962 DE

2018-11-25 17:44

no, there would be not stuck to modern output as docus often use archieve footage

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chicomarx BE

2018-11-25 18:42

Mike, you don't get to comment on contributions, that's the job of only a few highly qualified admins.
walter, atom, night cub, Sandie, G-Mann (if he's still here)... Your name doesn't appear on that list.

mike962 DE

2018-11-25 18:56

chicomarx wrote Mike, you don't get to comment on contributions, that's the job of only a few highly qualified admins.
walter, atom, night cub, Sandie, G-Mann (if he's still here)... Your name doesn't appear on that list.

neither johnfromstaffs !! so why the double standars ?

chicomarx BE

2018-11-25 19:03

He writes thoughtful comments, you write "haven't we enough of this shit?", that's the difference.
You're also the first to comment on robi's films /movie.php?id=1004519811 which isn't necessary.

mike962 DE

2018-11-25 19:07

by shit I describe both the war as being totally pointless slaughterhouse that should have never been in the first palce and that we already have bunch of "docus" about it where of course near same vehicles over and over , do we ned to lsit every dam documentary ever made about ww1 and ww2 ? it's not like magicaly real new footage will show up out of a magic hat

-- Last edit: 2018-11-25 19:09:16

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