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The Disorderly Orderly, Movie, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: tv boy

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Also known as:

  • O Bagunceiro Arrumadinho (Brazil)
  • Der Tölpel vom Dienst (Germany)
  • Hjælp, Jerry kommer! (Denmark)
  • Caso clínico en la clínica (Spain)
  • En jäkel till doktor / Jerry kipusiskona (Finland)
  • Jerry chez les cinoques (France)
  • O Jerry Lewis tarahopoios (Greece)
  • Szabálytalan szabályos (Hungary)
  • Pazzi, pupe e pillole (Italy)
  • Wesoly sanitariusz (Poland)
  • Jerry, Enfermeiro sem Diploma (Portugal)
  • Jerry Lewis gönüllü doktor (Turkey)

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Comments about this movie

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tv boy US

2010-10-07 08:07

[Image: snapshot20101005222210.8544.jpg][Image: snapshot20101005222302.2713.jpg][Image: snapshot20101005222537.8003.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2010-10-07 12:33

Nice pictures tvboy :)

by the way, don't forget to enter the alternatives titles, with the help of "detail" section of IMDB page (Also Known As)

tv boy US

2010-10-07 14:03

Almost all of the cars in this movie come from the movie's last ten minutes, when the two lookalike ambulances get in a hilarious chase.

AndresChileno CL

2019-07-21 06:07

The latinamerican movie's name, is "El Enfermero"

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