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Awaydays, Movie, 2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dudley

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Comments about this movie

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carobserver MX

2009-10-30 14:45

in what year is set this movie?

Sunbar UK

2009-10-30 16:04

About 1980 in Margaret Thatcher's early years as Prime Minister.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-10-30 18:52

Tme Mercedes-Benz hearse is too modern, as is the Leyland DAF van - which is in the forum thread but hasn't been posted here yet.
Link to "forum.imcdb.org"

dudley UK

2009-10-30 21:44

carobserver wrote in what year is set this movie?


Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-10-30 21:46

Well, it's up now.

-- Last edit: 2009-10-30 21:47:40

dudley UK

2009-11-08 20:59

[Image: titlewz.2687.jpg]

Class 47:
[Image: class47.6527.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-11-08 21:00:01

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