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The Bachelor Father, US Movie, 1931 IMDB

Pictures provided by: packardman, humungus

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night cub US

2024-07-13 20:32

Pic is not the best, but antp said it would be ok to validate, so could use a proper upgrade one day

humungus SI

2024-07-15 01:05

[Image: bachelorfatherthe1931title.jpg]

“I've been in England only three weeks and already I've learned to talk the English language.”

So says Marion Davies, but in this movie she didn't strike me as a particularly funny comedienne. Too bad. It's fun to see a ridiculously young Ray Milland in there, though, however little he has to do, and old pro C. Aubrey Smith is great as always.

I replaced the one submitted pic with a better one, and added two missing vehicles.

night cub US

2024-07-15 01:20

Thanks humungus!

chicomarx BE

2024-07-15 01:57

She's very good in The Patsy, a late silent comedy, and I generally don't like female comedians. Carole Lombard is another exception. So it may be the material.

humungus SI

2024-07-15 16:07

chicomarx wrote She's very good in The Patsy, a late silent comedy, and I generally don't like female comedians. Carole Lombard is another exception. So it may be the material.

Well, my problem with Davies was that she all too obviously tried to be funny, and pretty much every comedian will tell you that never works. Granted, she didn't have the strongest material to work with, but I felt it didn't call for a broadly comic approach she had chosen in many of her scenes. She was much more effective when she played it straight.

chicomarx BE

2024-07-15 18:44

Well watch the King Vidor movie and it should change your opinion. I think her acting style is more effective in silent films than in early talkies. That can happen. John Gilbert killed himself over it.

humungus SI

2024-07-16 11:34

Yes, "The Patsy" is on my "to see" list, but my comment about Davies was strictly about her performance in this movie. I don't have much of an opinion of her as such since I've only seen her in three others movies: "Not So Dumb" I don't remember at all (but my notes indicate I liked her in it), in "Page Miss Glory", which was supposed to be a grand star vehicle for her as her first movie for Warner Bros., she was reduced to little more than a model for some fabulous costumes as all the fun stuff to say and do was given to her formidable co-stars (mostly Pat O'Brien, Allen Jenkins and Mary Astor), and I thought she was excellent in "Little Old New York", a silent period drama, although I did think she never looked like anything other than the girl she was rather than the boy her character was pretending to be, but that obviously wasn't her fault.

Corkeyandpals US

2024-08-27 03:48

Aircraft at:

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