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1927 Willys-Knight Model 66A Sedan

1927 Willys-Knight Model 66A in The Moderns, Movie, 1988 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: US

1927 Willys-Knight Model 66A Sedan

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


s13a LT

2019-11-01 22:30

[Image: 1927willys-knightmodel66asedan1stpic.jpg] [Image: 1927willys-knightmodel66asedan2stpic.jpg] [Image: 1927willys-knightmodel66asedan3stpic.jpg]

I think it's the same:
[Image: 1927willys-knightmodel66asedan5stpic.jpg]

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