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UAZ 3962

UAZ 3962 in Как Витька Чеснок вёз Лёху Штыря в дом инвалидов (How Victor 'The Garlic' Took Alexey 'The Stud' to the Nursing Home), Movie, 2017 IMDB

Class: Cars, Ambulance — Model origin: RU

UAZ 3962

Pos: 00:34:57 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


humungus SI

2025-01-08 23:13

[Image: bg02003409.jpg]

franchumar AR

2025-01-08 23:18


San US

2025-01-08 23:21

franchumar wrote UAZ-425

You mean UAZ 452 ;)

The Red Cross logo tells me this is an ex-Hospital unit

franchumar AR

2025-01-08 23:43

San wrote

You mean UAZ 452 ;)

The Red Cross logo tells me this is an ex-Hospital unit

oh ok


2025-01-09 15:19

3962 origin Russia at least by new plastic mirrors

Jnglmpera JP

2025-01-10 15:13

М307РА37 returns a Suzuki

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