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1945 Volvo TLV 141 m/42

1945 Volvo TLV 141 in Någonstans i Sverige, Mini-Series, 1973 IMDB Ep. 6

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: SE

1945 Volvo TLV 141 m/42

[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


atom SE

2008-06-29 02:17

Ep. 1
[Image: volvo1ir3.8276.jpg] [Image: volvo2fv5.6312.jpg] [Image: volvo3kg9.7152.jpg]
To the right in the first thumb.

-- Last edit: 2008-07-01 00:52:06

atom SE

2008-07-01 00:52

Ep. 6
[Image: volvo1kn4.5743.jpg]

Pickos SE

2009-01-05 22:34

Volvo TLV?

Estate SE

2009-02-18 00:21

This is a Volvo, known to me as "Rundnos TLV". A later version of it though, since it was released in 1939/40 and continued in production until the F-series was introduced in the seventies.

-- Last edit: 2009-02-18 00:25:40

Bruno58 FR

2012-01-01 16:43

Volvo TLV 141 http://iloapp.hassleholmsmilitarhistoriskaforening.se/blog/blogg?ShowFile&image=1292424300.jpg

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