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Cyberbully, CA Movie made for TV, 2011 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sandwad2, Terra

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Also known as:

  • Bullying Virtual (Brazil)
  • Internet-Mobbing (Germany)
  • Acoso en la red social (Spain)
  • Le mur de l'humiliation (France)
  • Cyber nasilje (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Elektronikus zaklatás (Hungary)
  • Cyberbully - Pettegolezzi online (Italy)
  • Cyber-prześladowca (Poland)
  • Cyberbully: Ameaça Virtual (Portugal)
  • Sajber maltretiranje (Serbia)
  • Кибер-террор (Russia)
  • Cyberbu//y (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-07-19 15:46

No location information on the IMDB, but Muse Entertainment Enterprises, a Canadian company, is listed under "Production Companies".

There are lots of French names in the credits, suggesting that it was filmed in Québec.

Ddey65 US

2011-07-19 16:24

I'm pretty sure the movie was filmed in Quebec, because that's what it said in the closing credits.

-- Last edit: 2011-07-19 16:24:36

sandwad2 EN

2011-07-19 18:58

Really intense movie!

Show's the pitfulls of going online and doing things you should not!

Q-Ball JP

2011-07-20 02:48

sandwad2 wrote Really intense movie!

Show's the pitfulls of going online and doing things you should not!

explorer4x4 would do well to watch this then.

rtsbusman1997 US

2011-07-23 23:47

sandwad2 wrote Really intense movie!

Show's the pitfulls of going online and doing things you should not!

I am shocked at this correct reaction. :D I was expecting a metric ton of "This is bulls***! This is the internet! We can say and do whatever the f*** we want! Nothing hurts because the internet can be closed." You know, all the usual ignorant and retarded crap you hear on YouTube and other parts of the 'net, because close to everyone that you talk to on this thing we call the internet are the most ignorant and blockheaded fools you will EVER meet. It is sad to rarely see maturity in a comment without the flood of idiocy after it. :(

sandwad2 EN

2011-08-02 02:59

rtsbusman1997 wrote
I am shocked at this correct reaction. :D I was expecting a metric ton of "This is bulls***! This is the internet! We can say and do whatever the f*** we want! Nothing hurts because the internet can be closed." You know, all the usual ignorant and retarded crap you hear on YouTube and other parts of the 'net, because close to everyone that you talk to on this thing we call the internet are the most ignorant and blockheaded fools you will EVER meet. It is sad to rarely see maturity in a comment without the flood of idiocy after it. :(

:king: THANK YOU

rtsbusman1997 US

2011-08-02 06:03

Welcome. :king:

racersg US

2012-03-19 03:55

rtsbusman1997 wrote Welcome. :king:
You guys sure like the :king: smiley. :lol:

burnoutgt24 CA

2018-11-07 06:23

This movie is depressing and reminds me of all the deprsessed teens who can't get the cap off

rtsbusman1997 US

2018-11-08 04:31

Burnoutgt24 wrote This movie is depressing and reminds me of all the deprsessed teens who can't get the cap off



Reg1992 US

2019-07-21 14:17

rtsbusman1997 wrote




NitroPlus US

2019-07-30 08:24

I remember watching this in my Junior Year and yeah, it was a real downer. Especially when you consider everything that's found online.

I'll admit, I'm no saint but at the very least I try to be courteous, even if the results are mixed at best. I won't drone on and on about how I was picked on at school or on the Internet, because that's pretty much everyone's dilemma but I will say that even after a decade I'm still rather naïve and a rather easy target. So whenever somebody talks smack about me, it's probably my own fault.

Terra US

2024-08-02 02:45

HD Upgrade Complete

Far background: [*]
[Image: screenshot7952.jpg] [Image: screenshot7938.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-08-02 11:48:24

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