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Public Enemies, Movie, 2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: typhlosion, gliffhanger, Alex347_2, crooze, Scott M., Robi

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firebird86 US

2008-07-08 16:12

Vehicles (partial list) used in the movie are as follows
1933 Duesnburg II Speedster- Owned by Steven Horowitz (Background)
1929 Ford Model A Tudor- Owned by Sean Francis (Driving Scenes)
1935 Plymouth PJ Coupe- Owned by Heinz Diehl (Street Scenes)
1933 Graham 64 Sedan (Blue Streak 8)- Owned by Scott Maynard (Background)
1931 Ford Model A Truck- Owned by Mark Nussie (Background Scenes)
1935 Buick Coupe- Owned by Rich and Barb Burton (Background)
1926 Lincoln Seven-Passenger Sedan- Owned by Paul Didier (Roadside as Johnny Depp drove by in a cloud of dust)
1931 Ford Model A Tudor- Owned by Charlie and Nancy Oldroyd (Backgrond Scene in Chicago)
1930 Graham Paige First Series Model 612 Sedan- Owned by Micheal Keller (Bank Robbery Scene in Colubus Wisconsin)
1931 Dodge DH6- Owned by Leigh Anne Price (Background scenes in jail break)
1934 Buick Series 67- Owned by Jeff and Anni Krumrich (background Scene, possobly at the airport)
1933 Chevrolet Eagle Coupe- Owned by William Keeney (Street Scenes)
1935 Dodge DU Sedan- Owned by Frank Schroeder (Background)
1929 LaSalle- Owned by Frederick Prehn (Street Scene)
1934 Ford Coupe- Owned by Steven Monske (Street Scenes)
1932 Nash 1062 Coupe- Owned by Bill and Nancy Hill (Chicago Street Scenes)
1930 Ford Model A Truck- Owned by Al and Jean Niehus (Background)
1930 Plymouth Sedan- Owned by Jeff Anderson Street Scenes)
1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe- Owned by Carl Peronto (unknown use)

From Old Cars Weekly July 10th 2008

Pokeoddsponge US

2009-07-20 03:59

I found this picture from the movie-

I hope this is a picture of the set and not a shot from the actual movie.

Graham Paige US

2009-10-18 06:40

I had two of my Graham cars make the movie as background cars. There were over 800 background cars considered for the movie around 150 were used. Most of 150 were all original cars, used only one day; about 50 cars had repeat performances. There were several huge outside scenes cut from the movie, great car shots, all lost to the cutting room floor. Universal had about 20 of there own cars and there were some "star cars" cars used by the main characters. It was a great experience, and unbelievable to be able to drive my Grahams in 1933 again!

-- Last edit: 2009-10-18 07:21:55

gliffhanger NL

2010-01-06 20:46

I Could not add all the remaing pics that i all ready send in, but i took the best ones out. the rest was to blurry or to bad.


2010-07-13 10:09

What's with the brightness on some of these captures?

Neon IT

2010-07-13 11:33

Who has validated this? Too big pictures and with black borders!

antp BE

2010-07-13 11:37

:??: I do not see black borders, and the pics are 720px
edit: except thumbnail's black borders, but that's because pics are thinner than 2.35 ratio

-- Last edit: 2010-07-13 11:38:46

Neon IT

2010-07-13 11:38

Yes, because I have just finished to fix them...

antp BE

2010-07-13 11:39

Oops sorry then, I guess I checked that too quickly... I should sleep more :D

nzcarnerd NZ

2010-08-03 00:39

I see more pictures have been added for this movie. I see that in the background of the thumb for the mo0torcycle there is a brown/fawn coupe. Is it worth a page of its own?

Graham Paige US

2010-08-12 21:53

The four unknown are; far left "1933 Nash 8"; left side bottom "1935 Desoto air flow"(also on movie poster); bottom center "1936 Chevy standard six" Dillinger would have never driven this car way too slow and small; Bottom right "early 1930's Harley Davidson" given as a gift to Johnny Depp after filming (he collects vintage cycles)this one was original, a second was also used new HD modified to look old.


2011-11-21 15:34

This page really needs a update

mike962 DE

2012-08-27 17:47

photography for this movie was abysmal, had a (very) low budget feel rather than a big budget movie


2017-02-07 23:58

1 of the Cars was actually destroyed during Transport, Fell off the trailer while Traveling, they had to pay $$$ to the owner to Avoid a Lawsuit

-- Last edit: Car Lovin Brony

xracer390 US

2018-11-26 17:11

Anybody have pictures or info on the REO from this film?

Graham Paige US

2019-01-03 20:28

The 1933 Oldsmobile is a L33 Eight. It was used as the exchange car after the Racine robbery, it is only seen in the movie for a few seconds. A picture of the car and the robbery crew was used as a movie promotion, and is available as a screen saver. The director wanted the white wall flipped to the back, doing so they pealed the paint off the rims, they all had to be repainted.


2022-02-14 05:03

the IMPDB page (since 2015).

jpts AU

2023-02-19 14:51

While the film was about the crimes committed by John Dillinger and his gang in their final years from 1933 to 1934, the film also dealt with the foundation of Bureau Of Investigation (now known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation) and their involvement in the manhunt.

The film also featured other criminals that were active during the Great Depression around the same time as the Dillinger.

After deaths of Dillinger and the later members of his gang, the only criminal gang that remained during the Depression era was the Barker-Karpis Gang, led by Alvin "Creepy" Karpis, Frederick "Freddy" Barker, Freddy's brother, Arthur "Doc" Barker and Barker Boys' mother, Arizona Clark, otherwise known as Kate "Ma" Barker.

As being only remaining gang of the era, the Barker-Karpis Gang was also longest lasting gang, active from 1931 to 1935.

Beside committing bank robberies, the Barker-Karpis Gang had also committed the kidnappings of two high profile men and had held them for ransom, these were:

William Hamm Jr - President of the Theodore Hamm Brewery, abducted outside his home in St. Paul, Minnesota on the afternoon of the 15th June 1933.

After kidnapping Hamm, the kidnappers drove across Minnesota and Wisconsin to Bensenville, Illinois where he was held in the gang's safe house.

The gang then made Hamm sign four ransom notes, demanding $100,000 ($1.8 million in today’s value), after the ransom was paid, Hamm was released near Wyoming, Minnesota on the 19th June 1933.

Edward Bremer - President of the Commercial State Bank, abducted while driving to his work in St. Paul, Minnesota on the morning of the 17th January 1934.

Like the kidnapping of Hamm, after kidnapping Bremer, the gang took Bremer to Bensenville where the gang got Bremer signed a ransom note, demanding $200,000 ($4.6 million in today's d).

After the ransom was paid, Bremer was released on a deserted road on the 7th February 1934.

The kidnapping of Bremer proved to be the downfall for the gang as the Bremer family were close friends of the US President Franklin D Roosevelt who then ordered the FBI to find the kidnappers.

Left at the scene of where the cases containing the ransom money was dropped were jerry cans with the kidnappers' fingerprints and three torches also with fingerprints belonging to the kidnappers.

On the 21st March 1934, Barker-Karpis associate and member of the Chicago Outfit, Fred Goetz, known as George "Shotgun" Ziegler was shot and killed in Cicero, Illinois by an unknown gunman.

It was believed that the killer or killers were either the Barker-Karpis Gang, killed to prevent him from getting his cut of the ransom from the Bremer kidnapping or the Chicago Outfit for "being to gabby".

Goetz's murder was followed by the death of Dillinger Gang associate Eddie Green on the 10th April.

On the 6th January 1935, fellow gang member William Harrison was shot and killed by members of the gang.

Doc Barker and two members of the Barker-Karpis Gang, Russell "Slim Gray" Gibson and Byron Bolton fled to Chicago where on the 8th January 1935, Doc was arrested on the street after attempted to flee only to slip on some ice, while Gibson and Bolton were tracked at their apartment.

During the raid, the FBI attempted to flush out Gibson and Bolton with tear gas but managed to set off tear gas in the wrong apartment, trigging panic among the tenants.

In the confusion, the FBI agents were nearly shot by local police who mistook the agents for the gangsters, while Gibson attempted to escaped down the fire escape and was spotted by the agents who then shot and killed Gibson, while Bolton was arrested by the agents.

Fred and Ma Barker fled to Ocklawaha in Marlon County, Florida where they rented a two-story cottage on Lake Weir, using letters seized from Doc Barker after his arrest, on the 16th January 1935, the FBI surrounded the cottage and got into a four-hour shootout with Freddy and Ma Barker, resulting in both their deaths.

In the bedroom of the cottage where the bodies of Ma and Freddy Barker were found was a postcard from Karpis with the address of the house where Karpis and his pregnant girlfriend, Dolores Delaney staying in Miami, 286 miles (460km) south of Ocklawaha.

Within hours of the deaths of Ma and Freddy Barker, Karpis and Delaney had quickly packed up their cases and fled to Atlantic City with their associate and gang member, Harry Campbell with Karvis's girlfriend travelling by train and Karpis and Campbell travelling in a car they stole in Tallahassee, Florida.

As the car was the only vehicle reported stolen in the state of Florida, the FBI quickly knew it was Karpis and Campbell and had issued a description of the vehicle and the registration to the law enforcement nationwide.

Upon their arrival, Karpis, Delaney and Campbell along with Campbell's girlfriend stayed at a local hotel located two blocks from the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean.

The day after their arrival in Atlantic City on the 16th January, a police officer spotted their stolen car and organised a raid on the hotel, resulting in the shootout between the police and both Karpis and Campbell.

In the shootout, Delaney was shot in the leg and was captured, she later gave birth to Karpis's son who was placed in the care of Karpis's parents, Campbell's girlfriend was also captured.

Both Karpis and Campbell managed to escape and spent months hiding with brothel keeper, Edith Barry, before continuing their spree, on the 7th November 1935, Karpis along with Campbell and four other accomplices robbed the Erie No. 626 Train at its depot in Garrettsville, Ohio, netting Karpis and the gang $46,000.

After the train robbery, both Karpis and Campbell went their separate ways, Karpis headed to New Orleans, Louisiana where he was captured by the FBI on the 2nd May 1936, while Campbell remained in Ohio, heading to Toledo where he was captured on the 7th May 1936.

Both Campbell and Karpis were sentenced to life imprisonment, Karpis was sent to the Federal Penitentiary on Alcatraz Island where one of the inmates was fellow gang member, Doc Barker was serving his sentence.

On the 13th January 1939, Doc Barker and four other inmates, Dale Stamphill, Henri Young, William "Ty" Martin and Rufus McCain attempted to escape from Alcatraz, during the escape, Doc Barker was shot and killed by one of the prison's sharpshooters while the others were captured.

In 1958, Karpis was transferred to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, but later returned to Alcatraz after six months, after Alcatraz was shut down in 1962, Karpis was sent to McNeil Island Penitentiary.

While he was there, he met future cult leader and later mass murderer, Charles Manson and gave Manson guitar lessons.

-- Last edit: 2024-07-21 06:26:06

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